Awards and Distinctions


Prize awarded by Polish Confederation of Private Employers Lewiatan in the Contest for best academic thesis organized by Polish Patent Office for Katarzyna Trzópek, a graduate of the Jagiellonian University, for the dissertation “Protection of well-known trademarks in law and practice of EU authorities” written under the supervision of Prof. Stanisław Biernat in 2009/2010.

First prize in the National Contest for best master’s thesis in the area of the European law LUMINARZ organized by European Law Students’ Association for Marta Godlewska, a graduate of the Jagiellonian University, for the dissertation “Cross-border mobility of companies and firms within the EU” written under the supervision of Prof. Stanisław Biernat in 2009/2010.

Third prize in the National Contest for best master’s thesis in the area of the European law LUMINARZ organized by European Law Students’ Association for Katarzyna Pawlikowska, a graduate of the Jagiellonian University, for the dissertation “Withdrawal of final administrative decisions as a tool ensuring effectiveness of the EU law and its application in Polish law” written under the supervision of Prof. Stanisław Biernat in 2009/2010.

A distinction for Agnieszka Kastelik-Smaza, Ph.D. in the 45th “Państwo i Prawo” Law Journal National Contest of the best doctor’s and habilitated doctor’s dissertations in the area of law for the doctor’s dissertation “Das Vorabentscheidungsverfahren aus der Sicht des individuellen Rechtsschutzes” (“Preliminary reference procedure and protection of individual rights”), dissertation written in both German and Polish language under the supervision of Prof. S. Biernat.


1st Award for Bartłomiej Kurcz, Ph.D. in the contest of the Foundation for the Promotion of the European Law for the publication „Dyrektywy Wspólnoty Europejskiej i ich implementacja do prawa krajowego” (European Community’s directives and their implementation in national law) 

3rd Award for Monika Niedźwiedź, Ph.D. in the contest of the Foundation for the Promotion of the European Law for the publication „Umowy międzynarodowe mieszane w świetle prawa Wspólnoty Europejskiej” (International mixed agreements in the light of the European Community law)

3rd Award for Bogusław Srebro, M.L. in the contest of the Foundation for the Promotion of the European Law for the publication „Ochrona interesów finansowych Unii Europejskiej” (The Protection of the Financial Interests of the European Union)


A distinction for Bartłomiej Kurcz, Ph.D. in the 40th “Państwo i Prawo” Law Journal National Contest of the best doctor’s and habilitated doctor’s dissertations in the area of law for the doctor’s dissertation „Dyrektywy Wspólnoty Europejskiej i ich implementacja do prawa krajowego” (European Community’s directives and their implementation in national law)

1st Award in the LUMINARZ National Contest of the best master’s diploma thesis in the area of the European law for Joanna Kaczanowska, graduated from the Jagiellonian University, for the dissertation „Free movement of citizens of the European Union”, written under the supervision of Prof. S. Biernat and presented in the academic year 2004/2005

1st Award in the LUMINARZ National Contest of the best master’s diploma thesis in the area of the European law for Karolina Kluczna, graduated from the Jagiellonian University, for the dissertation „The Participation of the national parliaments in making European Union law”, written under the supervision of Prof. S. Biernat and presented in the academic year 2004/2005

A distinction in the LUMINARZ National Contest of the best master’s diploma thesis in the area of the European law for Magdalena Kłysz, M.L., graduated from the Jagiellonian University, for the dissertation „A Family in the European Union law” written under the supervision of Prof. S. Biernat and presented in the academic year 2004/2005

A distinction in the LUMINARZ National Contest of the best master’s diploma thesis in the area of the European law for Łukasz Wosik, M.L., graduated from the Jagiellonian University, for the dissertation: „Prawna regulacja rozdziału środków pomocowych z funduszy strukturalnych” (The legal rules for the distribution of the financial assistance from structural funds) written under the supervision of Prof. S. Biernat and presented in the academic year 2004/2005


3rd Award in the LUMINARZ National Contest of the best master’s diploma thesis in the area of the European law for Magdalena Jagiełło M.L., graduated from the Jagiellonian University, for the dissertation “Obowiązki państwa członkowskiego Unii Europejskiej wynikające z międzynarodowej umowy mieszanej” (The Duties of the Member States resulting from international mixed agreement) written under the supervision of Prof. S. Biernat and presented in the academic year 2002/2003; the award was granted in 2004.

A distinction in the LUMINARZ National Contest of the best master’s diploma thesis in the area of the European law for Bogusław Srebro, M.L., graduated from the Jagiellonian University, for the dissertation “Ochrona interesów finansowych Unii Europejskiej” (The Protection of the Financial Interests of the European Union) written under the supervision of Prof. S. Biernat and presented in the academic year 2002/2003; the distinction was received in 2004.


1st Award for Dr hab. Sławomir Dudzik in the 38th “Państwo i Prawo” Law Journal National Contest of the best doctor’s and habilitated doctor’s dissertation for habilitated doctor’s dissertation” Pomoc państwa dla przedsiębiorstw publicznych w prawie Wspólnoty Europejskiej. Między neutralnością a zaangażowaniem”, [State aid for public undertakings in European Community law. Between neutrality and involvement]. The award was granted on June, 14th 2004.


1st Prize for Saulius Lukas Kaleda, Ph.D. in the 38th “Państwo i Prawo” Law Journal National Contest of the best doctor’s and habilitated doctor’s dissertations in the area of law for the dissertation “Przejęcie prawa wspólnotowego przez nowe państwo członkowskie – zagadnienia przejściowe oraz międzyczasowe”. The award was granted on June, 14th 2004. Dr Kaleda is 1st non-Polish citizen who has been awarded in ” Państwo i Prawo” contests.


The award of the Professor Janusz Łętowski Foundation received by Nina Półtorak, Ph.D., for the dissertation “Odpowiedzialność odszkodowawcza państwa w prawie Wspólnot Europejskich” (Member States Liability in Damages for the Community Law Infringement).
The award was granted in 2003.


3rd Award in the LUMINARZ National Contest of the best master’s diploma thesis in the area of the European law for Agnieszka Malczewska, M.L., graduated from the Jagiellonian University, for the dissertation “Programy komputerowe w prawie autorskim i patentowym ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem prawa Stanów Zjednoczonych, Unii Europejskiej i Polski” (Computer programs in intellectual property law and in patent law, with the special concern on the laws of the USA, EU and Poland) written under the supervision of Prof. S. Biernat and presented in the academic year 2001/2002; the award was granted in 2003.

A distinction in the LUMINARZ National Contest of the best master’s diploma thesis in the area of the European law for Anna Czarnota, M.L., graduated from the Jagiellonian University, for the dissertation “Odwrotna dyskryminacja na tle swobody prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej w prawie wspólnotowym” (Reverse discrimination – an analysis of the issue in the case right of establishment in Community law) written under the supervision of Prof. S. Biernat and presented in the academic year 2001/2002; the distinction was received in 2003.

A distinction in the LUMINARZ National Contest of the best master’s diploma thesis in the area of the European law for Alicja Sikora, M.L., graduated from the Jagiellonian University, for the dissertation “Dyrektywa wspólnotowa w wewnętrznym porządku prawnym na przykładzie Francji” (Community directive in the internal legal order of the Member State in the case of France) written under the supervision of Prof. S. Biernat and presented in the academic year 2001/2002; the distinction was received in 2003.


I Award received in the Professor Stefan Ritterman Contest of the best master’s diploma thesis in the area of law written at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University for Bogusław Srebro M.L., graduated from the Jagiellonian University, for the dissertation “Ochrona interesów finansowych Unii Europejskiej” (Protection of the financial interests of the EU) written under the supervision of Prof. S. Biernat and presented in the academic year 2002/2003; granted in 2003.



Nina Półtorak, Ph.D. received a distinction in the 37th “Państwo i Prawo” Law Journal National Contest of the best doctor’s and habilitated doctor’s dissertations in the area of law for the dissertation “Odpowiedzialność odszkodowawcza państwa w prawie Wspólnot Europejskich” (Member States Liability in Damages for the Community Law Infringement), June 2002;
and The Prime Minister Award for the best doctor’s dissertations for the above thesis, November 2002.


The award of the Professor Janusz Łętowski Foundation for the Promotion of the European Law received by the collection of papers “Studia z prawa Unii Europejskiej” (Studies on the European Union Law) edited by Professor Stanisław Biernat, November 2001.The award was granted in 2002.


1st Award in the LUMINARZ National Contest of the best master’s diploma thesis in the area of the European law for Patrycja Dąbrowska, M.L., graduated from the Jagiellonian University, for the dissertation “Skutki orzeczenia wstępnego wydanego przez Europejski Trybunał Sprawiedliwości na mocy art. 234 Traktatu ustanawiającego Wspólnotę Europejską” (Effects of the Preliminary Ruling given by the European Court of Justice in the Procedure from Article 234 of EC Treaty) written under the supervision of Prof. S. Biernat and presented in the academic year 2000/2001; the award was granted in 2002.

A distinction received in the Professor Stefan Ritterman Contest of the best master’s diploma thesis in the area of law written at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University for Katarzyna Gałka, M.L., graduated from the Jagiellonian University, for the dissertation “Swobodne przemieszczanie się studentów. Od uprawnień pracowniczych po uprawnienia wynikające z obywatelstwa Unii Europejskiej” (Free Movement of Students. From Rights derived from Workers’ Status to Rights derived from EU Citizenship) written under the supervision of Prof. S. Biernat and presented in the academic year 2001/2002; granted in 2002.

Saulius Łukasz Kaleda, Ph.D. received the I Award in the “Kwartalnik Prawa Publicznego” Law Journal Contest of the best publications in the year 2001 for the article “Natychmiastowe
działanie prawa wspólnotowego w nowym państwie członkowskim. Zagadnienia
międzyczasowe” (Immediate Operation of the Community Law in the New Member State. The inter-temporal problems).


2nd Award in the LUMINARZ National Contest of the best master’s diploma thesis in the area of the European law for Agnieszka Grzelak M.L., graduated from the Jagiellonian University, for the dissertation “Europeizacja prawa karnego w świetle prawa Unii Europejskiej” (The Europeanization of the Criminal Law in the European Union Law) written under the supervision of Prof. S. Biernat and presented in the academic year 1999/2000; the award was granted in 2001.

A distinction received in the Professor Stefan Ritterman Contest of the best master’s diploma thesis in the area of law written at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University for Justyna Stróżczyk, M.L., graduated from the Jagiellonian University, for the dissertation “Zasada ściślejszej współpracy w prawie Unii Europejskiej” (Principle of Closer Co-operation in EU Law) written under the supervision of Prof. S. Biernat and presented in the academic year 2000/2001; granted in 2001.

3rd place for Students’ Team from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University: Paulina Biduś, Katarzyna Gałka, Magdalena Węglarz (under supervision of Nina Półtorak Ph.D.) in 7th “Central and East European Moot Court Competition”, Prague 2001, organised by Cambridge University. Paulina Biduś received distinction in the competition for the “Best Speaker”.


1st Award in the LUMINARZ National Contest of the best master’s diploma thesis in the area of the European law for Monika Niedźwiedź, M.L., graduated from the Jagiellonian University, for the dissertation “Obrót dobrami kultury w Unii Europejskiej” (Trading of Culture Goods in the European Union) written under the supervision of Prof. S. Biernat and presented in the academic year 1998/1999; the award was granted in 2000.

I Award received in the Professor Stefan Ritterman Contest of the best master’s diploma thesis in the area of law written at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University for Agnieszka Grzelak M.L., graduated from the Jagiellonian University, for the dissertation “Europeizacja prawa karnego w świetle prawa Unii Europejskiej” (The Europeanization of the Criminal Law in the European Union Law) written under the supervision of Prof. S. Biernat and presented in the academic year 1999/2000; granted in 2000.



1st Award in the LUMINARZ National Contest of the best master’s diploma thesis in the area of the European law for Zbigniew Zgud, M.L., graduated from the Jagiellonian University, for the dissertation “Zasada subsydiarności w prawie europejskim” (The Principle of Subsidiarity in the European Law) written under the supervision of Prof. S. Biernat and presented in the academic year 1997/98; the award was granted in 1999.

A distinction in the LUMINARZ National Contest of the best master’s diploma thesis in the area of the European law for Monika Sudoł, M.L., graduated from the Jagiellonian University, for the dissertation “Umowy franchisingowe w świetle prawa konkurencji Wspólnoty Europejskiej i Polski” (Franchise Contracts in the European Community and Polish Competition Laws) written under the supervision of Prof. S. Biernat and presented in the academic year 1997/1998; the distinction was received in 1999.


1st Award received in the Professor Stefan Ritterman Contest of the best master’s diploma thesis in the area of law written at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University for Monika Niedźwiedź, M.L., graduated from the Jagiellonian University, for the dissertation “Obrót dobrami kultury w Unii Europejskiej” (Trading of Culture Goods in the European Union) written under the supervision of Prof. S. Biernat and presented in the academic year 1998/1999; granted in 1999.