mgr Maciej Gac

  1. M. Gac, Poland: Private enforcement of antitrust law – Unfulfilled dream?, September 2015, Concurrences Review N° 3-2015, Art. N° 73838, s. 217-222.
  2. M. Gac, Individuals and the Enforcement of Competition Law – Recent Development of the Private Enforcement Doctrine in Polish and European Antitrust Law, Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, Vol. 2015, (8)11, ISSN 1689-9024, s. 53-82.
  3. M. Gac, Europejska przestrzeń administracyjna jako mechanizm zwiększający efektywność stosowania prawa europejskiego – analiza na przykładzie Europejskiej Sieci Konkurencji, Rocznik Administracji Publicznej, Vol. 1, 2015, ISBN 978-83-7271-924-9, s. 95-116.
  4. M. Gac, Le Réseau européen de la concurrence comme un mécanisme de la convergence entre systèmes juridiques nationaux, w: Deuxièmes journées juridiques franco-polonaises: Convergence et divergence entre systèmes juridiques, Editions Mare & Martin 2015, ISBN 978-2-84934-164-3, s. 157-182.
  5. M. Gac, The influence of CJEU case law on development of private enforcement doctrine in the area of Polish and European competition law, w: The Milestones of Law in the area of Central Europe – 2014, ISBN 978-80-7160-371-9, s. 739-748.
  6. M. Gac, The Milestones of Law in the Area of Central Europe 2014. Casta-Papernicka (Slovakia), 27-29 March 2014, Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, Vol. 2015(8)11, nr ISSN: 1689-9024, s. 289-290.
  7. M. Gac, Economic analysis of competition law – from law in books to law in action, w: Integrating social sciences into legal research, Vilnius University Conference Papers 2014, ISBN 978-609-459-304-8, s. 142-153.
  8. M. Gac, Public versus private enforcement of European competition law – the evolution of case-law on access to leniency materials after Pfleiderer judgment, w: Current developments of the European Union Law 2012/2013, Kraków 2013.
  9. M. Gac, Collective redress v. class actions – convergence or divergence between the European and American solutions on group litigation?, w: The interaction of national legal systems: convergence or divergence?, Vilnius University 2013, ISBN 978-609-459-201-0, s. 114-126.
  10. M. Gac, The road to collective redress in the European Union: 2011 – a step forward or a step back in the introduction of a collective redress mechanism, w: K. Dobosz (red.), Current developments of the European Union Law 2011/2012, Kraków 2013.
  11. M. Gac, Programy zgodności z prawem konkurencji – efektywny mechanizm w tworzeniu europejskiej kultury compliance?, Internetowy Kwartalnik Antymonopolowy i Regulacyjny 2012, nr 2(1), s. 57-71.