Po długim oczekiwaniu na międzynarodowe seminarium w Harvard Law School, które miało odbyć się w 2020 r., wreszcie w czerwcu 2022 r. pracownicy Katedry Prawa Rzymskiego UJ wyruszyli za Ocean. Poprzedziła ich publikacja (Human dignity and law : studies on the dignity of human life , red. J.M. Puyol Montero, Real Collegio Complutense at Harvard Law School, Valencia 2021), która została wydana w 2021 r. wspólnie z organizatorami harvardzkiego seminarium. Pierwszym celem wyjazdu był Waszyngton, a dokładnie znajdujące się w tym obszarze metropolitalnym Antonin Scalia Law School w Arlington oraz Georgetown University i Georgetown Law Center w samym centrum Dystryktu Kolumbii. Z oboma ośrodkami naukowymi związani są pracownicy naszej Katedry: ks. prof. dr hab. Franciszek Longchamps de Bérier oraz dr Grzegorz Blicharz. Spotkania naukowe z profesorami oraz przedstawicielami władz obu szkół prawa, które odbyły się zarówno przed, jak i po seminarium w Harvard Law School, miały na celu zacieśnienie rozwijanej współpracy badawczej.
Respect for human dignity at the end of life and the limits of power available to each person regarding their own existence have become major issues in the Western world. The aim of this international seminar is to bring new ideas to the contemporary debate on human dignity in life and death in Europe and America in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. To do this it is necessary to analyze the philosophical principles and historical events that have helped shape the current views on questions as human dignity and vulnerability, as well as their treatment by public opinion in Western countries. As the pandemic has increased the inequalities in the society, we will also study the practice of the distributive justice in our world and how to reduce the inequalities in the organizations and the basis of a social and economic system based in the ethical principle of equality.
a. 9:15 am Opening Ceremony i. Prof. María-Luisa Gómez-Jiménez (School of Law, University of Málaga)
ii. Prof. José-María Puyol Montero (School of Law, Complutense University of Madrid)
iii. Prof. Jane Driver (Harvard Medical School)
iv. Prof. Daniel Sánchez Mata (Director of Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard)
b. 9:30 am Panel 1 ‘Human Dignity and Human Rights’ i. Prof. Dra. Donna Hicks (Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School): “Dignity: Its Essential Role in Resolving Conflicts”.
ii. Prof. Dra. Erin Daly (Delaware Law School, Executive Director of Dignity Rights International and Director of the Global Network for Human Rights and the Environment, USA): “Dignity Rights: A Global Overlapping Consensus”.
iii. Prof. Dr. Liviu Olteanu (United Nations, Geneve): “How New World Order Scenarios Face Freedom of Conscience and Human Dignity. Countering Hatred, Abuses & Hate Speech in Time of Emergency Laws”.
iv. Prof. Dr. Santiago Cañamares Arribas (School of Law, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain): „The Protection of the Right to Life in the Council of Europe and its Implications on the Recognition of Conscientious Objection in Life-related Situations”.
c. 10:45 am Discussion
d. 11:15 am Coffee break
e. 11:30 am Panel 2: ‘Caring the Vulnerable’ i. Prof. Dr. Hugo Ramírez García (Panamerican University, Mexico City): “Moral Absolutes in Business Practice. A Human Rights-Based Argument”.
ii. Prof. Dr. Francesc Torralba (Director of Ethos Chair, Ramon Llull University, Barcelona, Spain): “The Human Being Confronted with his Vulnerability. Anthropological Considerations”.
iii. Prof. Dra. Jane Driver (Harvard Medical School): “COVID-19 and the Collapse of the Care for Vulnerable Elders in the US”.
f. 12:30 pm Discussion
g. 1:00 pm Lunch
h. 1:30 pm Panel 3: ‘Vulnerability at the end of life’ i. Prof. Dra. Maria Patrao Neves (President of the Bioethics Committee of Portugal, Professor of Ethics, University of the Azores): “The Principle of Human Vulnerability: How does it Apply to End-of-life Issues”.
ii. Prof. José-María Puyol Montero (School of Law, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain): “Some Reflections on the New Legislation on Euthanasia in Europe”.
iii. Prof. Dr. Trudo Lemmens (School of Law, University of Toronto, Canada): “Canada’s Constitutionalization of 'Assisted Dying’ and the Rapid Expansion and Normalization of Medically Induced Death”.
i. 2:30 pm Discussion
j. 3:00 pm Coffee Break
k. 3:15 pm Panel 4: ‘Human Dignity and Social Justice’ i. Prof. Dr. Franciszek Longchamps de Bérier (School of Law, University of Cracow): “Laziness as an Anthropological Challenge for Law in the Time of the Pandemic”.
ii. Prof. Dra. María Jesús Torquemada Sánchez (School of Law, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain): “In the Name of Dignity and the Right to a Name”.
iii. Prof. Dr. Grzegorz Blicharz (School of Law, University of Cracow): “Dignity at Work: Digital Platform Workers as Freedmen”.
iv. Prof. Dra. María-Luisa Gómez Jiménez (School of Law, Málaga University, Spain): “Exploring the Limits of AI from European and Spanish Administrative Law Approach”.
l. 4:30 am General Discussion
m. 5:00 pm Closing Ceremony i. Prof. María-Luisa Gómez Jiménez (School of Law, Malaga University, Spain)
ii. Prof. Carol Steiker (Harvard Law School, Henry J. Friendly Professor of Law and Faculty Co-Director of the Criminal Justice Policy Program at Harvard Law School, USA)
iii. Prof. Francesc Torralba (Ramon Llull University and La Caixa Foundation, Spain)
iv. Prof. Daniel Sánchez Mata (Director of the Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard, USA)
v. Prof. José-María Puyol Montero (School of Law, Universidad Complutense, Director of the Seminar, Spain)