Conference „Contemporary Challenges of International Criminal Justice” 1.6.2024

posterThe Kraków Center for International Criminal Justice together with the Department of Criminal Procedure at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków are pleased to announce the conference: “Contemporary Challenges of International Criminal Justice”. Saturday, 1 June 2024  – Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland

We would like to invite researchers, scholars and practitioners to this very special event during which the beautiful city of Kraków will become a host for esteemed international experts in the field of international criminal justice. 

The preliminary conference programme includes the following panels: 

I: The Principle of Complementarity in the Rome Statute  

II: Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court: Today and Tomorrow 

III: New Technologies and the International Criminal Justice 

Each panel will be focused on essential issues that require attention of international community and we hope that the conference will become a forum for a lively and constructive discussion. Please, note that the conference will be held in English. 

To attend the conference, please complete the online registration form available here. Registration should be completed by 30 April 2024. 

The conference fee is 100 EUR, which includes meals during the event (coffee and lunch break) and conference materials. The conference fee should be paid by 15 May 2024 via money transfer. Further information will be provided to participants following registration. 

The Conference is supported by a grant from the Faculty of Law and Administration under the Strategic Programme Excellence Initiative at Jagiellonian University. 

Conference programme  icon.pdf., General Information icon.pdf., Postericon.pdf

If you have any questions, please contact us via e-mail address: or lub pod nr telefonu: 669650513
 Organizing Committee: 

Prof. Dr. Piotr Hofmański 

Prof. Dr. Andrzej Światłowski

Dr. Sonia Głogowska 

Dr. Paweł Czarnecki